PRESS RELEASE – Signing of funding contracts SIPOCA 53 and SIPOCA 54 – Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor`s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Minister of European Funds



PRESS RELEASE – Signing of funding contracts SIPOCA 53 and SIPOCA 54 – Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor`s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Minister of European Funds

The Office of Information and Public Relations within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice is empowered to bring to the attention of the public the following:

On July 27, 2017, Mr. Augustin Lazăr, Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and Ms Rovana Plumb, Minister-delegate for European Funds, signed two funding contracts for two projects totaling an approximate value of 69 million lei, financed from European funds.

Cele două proiecte sunt  „Întărirea capacității Ministerului Public de punere în aplicare a noilor prevederi ale codurilor penale în domeniul audierilor” – SIPOCA 53 și „Întărirea capacității Ministerului Public de punere în executare a unor procedee probatorii vizând perchezițiile informatice” – SIPOCA 54  și au ca principal obiectiv întărirea capacității operative a  Ministerului Public.

The two projects are „Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions in the criminal codes” – SIPOCA 53 and „Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of implementing evidence gathering procedures in informatics searches” – SIPOCA 54. The projects` main objective is strengthening the operative capacity of the Public Ministry.

The implementation period of the two projects is 36 months. SIPOCA 53 and SIPOCA 54 are the first structural funds projects initiated by the Public Ministry. Also, in terms of value, they represent the highest projects contracted so far by the Public Ministry as a beneficiary.