Signing the contract for the acquisition of specialized training services in the field of computer searches



Public procurement contract no. 4099 on the public procurement of specialized vocational training services, organized online (Lot 1 Vocational training course in the field of conducting computer searches) was signed on September 25, 2020. The length of the course, organized for 50 people, is 5 days. The courses are addressed to IT specialists within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the National Anticorruption Directorate and the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism.

Background information:

  • The main objective of the project is strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry in the field of informatics searches, in accordance with the provisions of the new codes, by introducing a unitary set of working methodologies, specialized professional training of the staff and the endowment with equipment and software.
  • The project will directly contribute to reducing the average of analyzing time of a computer device, by providing the professional trained personnel with licensed technical equipment and software. The project will introduce, for the first time, at the whole level of the Public Ministry, unitary working methodologies for the cyber searches or the technical-scientific finding of some computer data of interest for the prosecution. The data resulting from such actions will have equal relevance and acceptability for the courts.
  • The project responds to the needs of the new Codes (Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes), more precisely art.168 paragraph 12 and art.172, within the components of the Judicial System Development Strategy (JSDS) 2015-2020, chater III, point 3, Line of action A, Increasing the effectiveness of justice as a public service. The project will also directly contribute to the achievement of some points of the Action Plan for the implementation of the JSDS, namely Action B, Strategic Objective B.3, Measure B.3.39 – Providing the Public Ministry and the prosecution offices with modern software and hardware and measure B. 3.40, Strengthening the capacity of The Public Ministry – The Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) by upgrading the IT system, by training and developing of tools (for the central structure and for nationwide development).
  • The project’s budget is 14,056,846, 79 lei. This amount is broken down as follows: European Social Fund (ESF) – 11.805.482, 93 lei (83.98386284% of the total eligible project budget) and own contribution from the state budget – 2.251.363,86 lei(16.0163716% of the total eligible project budget).