The general prosecutor about the SIPOCA 54 project



“In order to modernization of the Public Ministry at the confluence with the digital age, as well as for the quality execution of the criminal prosecution act, the Public Ministry also carried out an intensive activity of implementing the projects with external financing in 2017. In this context, the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (POHCCJ) – as contracting authority – started two projects worth 70 million lei, initiated within the Operational Program for Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, as follows: Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions in the criminal codes” – SIPOCA 53 and Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of implementing evidence gathering procedures in informatics searches” – SIPOCA 54. The main objectives of the projects consist, essentially,  in streamlining the management of the criminal file by implementing a modern IT system in the field ot the audiovisual recordings as well as by developing a working methodology for the cyber searches along with the training of specialists and the procurement of hardware and software”,  said mr Augustin Lazăr, the general prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in his speech on the occasion of the presentation of the POHCCJ’s activity Report 2017, published on the institution web page.

The main purpose of the SIPOCA 54 project is strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry in the field of informatics searches, in accordance with the provisions of the new codes, by introducing a unitary set of working methodologies, specialized professional training of the staff and the endowment with equipment and software. Total amount is 14,056,846, 79 lei. This amount is broken down as follows:  European Social Fund (ESF) –  11.805.482, 93 lei (83.98386284% of the total eligible project budget) and own contribution from the state budget – 2.251.363,86 lei  (16.0163716% of the total eligible project budget). The target group is composed by 55 specialists (unique participant) in the field of cyber searches and the technical-scientific findings,  employees of the Public Ministry (The Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, The National Anticorruption Directorate and The Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism), which will benefit by profesional training in order to development of the institutional quality and performance at the judiciary.

Implementation period is 36 months (starting date – 27 July 2017).