The final conference of the SIPOCA 54 project



The Office of Information and Public Relations within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice is empowered to bring to the attention of the public the following:

On December 21, 2020, the final Conference of the project „Strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry of implementing evidence gathering procedures in cyber searches” – code MySmis 119240/cod SIPOCA 54 took place in Bucharest.

Officials from the Public Ministry were present at the conference: Dimitrie-Bogdan Licu, first deputy  of the general prosecutor, Adriana Denisa Cristodor, chief prosecutor of the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Section, Cătălin Ranco Pițu, chief prosecutor of the Military Prosecutor’s Office, Romulus-Dan Varga, prosecutor within the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Section. Also, at the event participated  the direct beneficiaries of the project, IT specialists, as well as members of the SIPOCA 54 project implementation team.

The first deputy of the general prosecutor, Dimitrie-Bogdan Licu, said that all the objectives of the project were reached and underlined the importance of implementing, within the Public Ministry, a unitary working methodology on the implementation of computer searches or technical-scientific findings.

Adrian Gavrilescu, the project manager, presented the project, the objectives and the activities carried out and showed that the project is part of the strategic objectives of the Public Ministry.

Romulus-Dan Varga, prosecutor within the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Section, showed the results on criminal investigation activity.

During the event, there was a presentation about the horizontal principles at the level of projects funded by the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020.

The conference was organized in accordance with the rules of incident prevention during the state of alert.

Background information:

The project financing contract was signed on July 27, 2017.

The project’s budget is 14,056,846, 79 lei. This amount is broken down as follows:  European Social Fund (ESF) – 11.805.482, 93 lei (83.98386284% of the total eligible project budget) and own contribution from the state budget – 2.251.363,86 lei(16.0163716% of the total eligible project budget).

The main objective of the project is strengthening the capacity of the Public Ministry in the field of informatics searches, in accordance with the provisions of the new codes, by introducing a unitary set of working methodologies, specialized professional training of the staff and the endowment with equipment and software. The project will directly contribute to reducing the average of analyzing time of a computer device, by providing the professional trained personnel with licensed technical equipment and software.

The target group is composed by 55 specialists (unique participant) in the field of cyber searches and the technical-scientific findings,  employees of the Public Ministry (The Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, The National Anticorruption Directorate and The Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism).