


The results of the project are:

  1. A unitary working methodology at the level of the Public Ministry (PM) regarding the implementation of the computer searches or of the technical-scientific findings that have as object information data of interest in the criminal prosecution; equipment (hardware) and licensed applications (software) purchased through the project for the purpose of conducting computer searches.
  2. The specialized professional training of the employees for carrying out computer searches and technical-scientific findings (specialists within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice – POHCCJ, the National Anticorruption Directorate – NAD and the Crime and Organized Crime Investigation Directorate – COCID).


The project aims to introduce, for the first time, at the level of the entire structure of the PM, a unitary working methodology regarding the computer search or the technical-scientific finding on some computer data of interest for criminal prosecution.

The objective is a better understanding of the technical aspects revealed during the criminal prosecution and which mainly refers to the evidence revealed in the digital environment.

After the acquisition of technical equipment (hardware) and licensed applications (software) for carrying out computer searches, a specialized professional training will be provided for the target group of the project, composed of IT specialists – it will be 55 persons from the Public Ministry.

Indirectly, a considerable number of prosecutors (from all structures of the Public Ministry) will benefit from the project results. These are the prosecutors involved in solving criminal cases in which computer searches are carried out (for example, cases concerning committing economic-financial crimes).

The unitary working methodology regarding the computer searches, the equipment and licenses acquired through the project and the training of the specialized personnel will directly contribute to shortening the average duration of analysis of a computer device and, consequently, of the criminal prosecution.

The present project contributes to the achievement of the objectives assumed by the Strategy for the Development of the Judicial System 2015 – 2020, the Direction of action A – The efficiency of justice as a public service 2) The finalization of the process of implementation of the new codes, as well as:

  • the specific objectives of the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014 – 2020, more precisely of the OS 1.3 „Development and implementation of standard systems and modern and efficient management tools at the level of the institutions of the judicial system.”;
  • the result R 2 Institutional capacity consolidated at the level of the judiciary for increasing the performance and quality at the institutional level, including for the continued implementation of the new codes.

Regarding POCA indicators, the project will create an efficient tool that will increase the performance of the criminal prosecution activity within the Public Ministry (result indicator 5S11 – Institutions from the judiciary that have applied standard tools and systems of quality and performance developed within the program ).

Therefore, specialists from the Public Ministry (participants in the target group in vocational training actions in areas that support the quality and institutional performance at the target group system level – 5S52) will benefit from IT applications for managing cases and / or institutional processes (5S51) developed within the Public Ministry (5S50), which will improve the activity, efficiency and public image of the judicial system.